Sunday, January 10, 2010


Okay, let's get serious people. Whoever thinks this movie was a waste of time, do this: move your cursor to the 'X' button and click. Yes, that's right. Just go, because (1) you don't know diddly squat about movies and claim you do (2) your probably one of those people who likes movies like 'Not Another Teen Movie' or 'The Fast and the Furious'. So do us and yourself a favor and just go.

The other day I heard some people talking about the movie and this kid just flat out says, "'Avatar' was just James Cameron's fantasy. It's just a fantasy of his it all it is really. It's James Cameron's fantasy". I mean what a dick am I right?! ANY MOVIE IS A DIRECTOR'S "fantasy". So how can you sit there and say that? Movies wouldn't BE if a director didn't invasion it 1st! I should just walk up to that guy and punch him in the face because he's one of those people that I was just talking about!

Now, onto real things. I think this movie was amazing. Not only because there were shiny and glowing things...well okay, those also play a big role because seriously, the visuals were beautiful. Who can say that that movie wasn't awesome to look at. The story was a bit cheesy in some parts, but everything else made up for it. I don't think I spent even a moment during that movie thinking about how cheesy the story was. My brain was in 'holy shit' mode.


Another thing, who didn't walk out of the theater thinking, "I want an Avatar"? I was jealous. I want to be an 8 foot blue thing that rides around on giant birds! Oh and the acting, awesome. I don't care what you think. They definitely pull you in and make you feel for them. Like when Neytiri's dad died. Oh man! Was that sad or what?! I struggled to pull those tears back, you really felt her pain. And don't say "oh well your a girl, girls get emotional blah blah blah". No! I'm human. Nice to meet you.

All in all I think this movie is a huge stepping stone to our future in film and that's exciting as hell. Only thing that sucks is that any movie I watch after this, it's going be really hard trying not to compare it with Avatar. A million stars to James Cameron because he blew my freaking head off!

1 comment:

  1. haha you know you like a movie when you come right out threatening to punch anyone who doesnt! I loved this one too, we saw it in the regular theatre and we're going to see it again this weekend in IMAX. Amazing amazing amazing movie... The world created was fantastic, and lets face it... who DOESNT like bright colorful, glowing plants?!

