Monday, January 25, 2010

the lovely bones.

I was looking forward to this movie for a while, but when the reviews started... I wasn't so sure if it would live up to what I had hoped for in my mind. I liked the film more than I disliked it ( I'm a sucker for thrillers/mysteries/murders), but there were too many moments that seemed misplaced, unclear, and confusing. I wondered if this was due to the fact that "The Lovely Bones" is a book-to-movie adaptation.

I loved the concept of the story, and some of the acting, but the narration (featured in the trailer), seemed unnecessary throughout the entire film, and actually explained what was happening, or gave things away before it happened on screen. I hate when movies feel the need to explain things.

The coolest part of "The Lovely Bones" from the trailer seemed to be the 'other worldly' visuals, but they did not live up to anything they should have considering it was a Peter Jackson film... I found these visuals quite boring, as they cut away from the interesting, and at times intense, mystery storyline to be showcased. They were too random, and felt way too disconnected from anything I comprehended. The best parts of the movie were the scenes involving Stanley Tucci- he made it watchable.

I listened to /Film's podcast review of this movie, and they seemed to really dislike it... certain people way more than others, basically expressing that no one in their right minds should ever watch "The Lovely Bones". I wouldn't go so far as to say no one should watch it, but I would say I wish it was what I had envisioned it would be- a whole lot better.

Currently I'm reading the book, and within the first chapter one can tell the differences between it and the movie, as a huge fact from the book is left out of the film. I've heard many other things are different as well. I know the film is an adaptation, but in this case, the book is winning, and I've so far only been through two chapters.


  1. Thank you for this review, I was looking forward to this movie as well, but I'm just going to wait until it comes out on dvd to watch it. KEEP UP THE REVIEWS!! I love them :D :D

  2. Steen, I think I might need to watch it now. Only thing I'm dreading is Mark Wahlberg. Guhhhh! He's the worst, and I can tell from the trailer that I'm gonna come back from watching the movie and sit down to write a review and the 1st thing I'm gonna say is "Mark Wahlberg...the worst..."
