Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the hurt locker.

I would just like to say that if it weren't for the Wall.E looking robot at the beginning I probably wouldn't have given this movie a chance. I'm glad I did though because this movie was intense. It's a war movie, and I like war movies. It's just not your typical war movie where the soldiers go in and shoot a load of people and get shot back and killed and there's this whole emotional process. Okay well it has SOME of that, but this was based on the soldiers that go in and disarm bombs. That may sound boring and I thought it might be, but like I said, it's INTENSE!


Watching this movie made me realize how savage the human race is, I mean really, we're fuct. The things we do to each other makes me really hope that 2012 really does happen and John Cusack just randomly appears. Of course, I feel this way after watching any war film, John Cusack just pops into my head and I start thinking of 2012. But no really, the things the Iraqis do to each other totally blows my mind. There was this little boy in the movie trying to sell DVDs to the soldiers, and the sergeant buys a few and gets all buddy buddy with the kid. Which I thought, oh how nice, even if their Countries are in battle, he still has a little love for their people. So blah blah blah movie goes on, and they find this old building that's pretty much used as a bomb factory. They're going around investigating and behind the curtains there's a body. THE KID'S BODY! He looked like he had the snot beaten out of him. What they did was cut up his chest and hid a bomb in there. A KID! Just for seeing him talking to the sergeant. Some people need to be punched in the face.

Iraq is definitely not on my list of must see places. Maybe it's just a movie, maybe everyone is holding hands dancing in a field of daisies. I don't know, but so far what I've gotten out of movies and the news that place and the people are sketchy as hell. You can't trust anyone. Your taxi driver could be a suicide bomber and you don't even know! You could be sitting in the back enjoying your animal crackers and watching all the amazing things out the window, like kids playing soccer in the dirt or what not or flying kites and BOOM! Your dead. Your so dead, you don't even know. You think your still eating animal crackers, but your not. They're all scattered around in bits just like you are. People might even mistake you for an animal cracker crumb.

Here's a question I asked myself while watching this movie. Why is it when you have 500 riffles pointing right at you, and they're just yelling for you to get down on the ground, and your just standing there? At times your probably just saying, "oh no, I'm just going for a walk, it's ok!" But why!? Just get the hell on the ground! The sooner you do that, the sooner they will let you get back up and go for your stupid walk! If your going to stand there just starring at them, maybe it's me, but that's totally a red flag. JUST GET DOWN ON THE GROUND BEFORE I THROW MY HOT BOILING CUP OF TEA AT YOU!!

Anyways, I think this movie was great. The dialogue was very funny and witty. For the most part. Obviously in serious parts you want serious people. The actors were great. Them + witty dialogue = AWESOME. You can tell this movie had a good director. A pat on the back to Kathryn Bigelow. Only thing that I wasn't a great fan of was the visual effects, for the most part it was pretty cool, but in some parts it just looked totally fake and that bugs me. The explosions we're awesome! I can't wait until 2012!

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