Thursday, January 14, 2010

the imaginarium of doctor parnassus.

A Poo Poo Production. SOLD! What a weird movie. I don't even know. It was really good, yet really weird. Visuals were awesome. Characters were awesome as well...minus Colin Farrell. Not like he was bad in this particular movie, he's just bad in every movie so it doesn't really matter. I think I might need to watch this movie one more time to grasp all the meaning behind it. I know a pretty good idea of what's going on, but there's so many hidden meanings in this movie that I need/want to figure out...before my head explodes.

Heath Ledger...*sigh* What a guy. He's one of my favorite actors, well was, but I'm going to talk as if he's still alive. I bought a plant the day he died and named it after him and it's still alive, so technically he is too. I'm not crazy, really. Anyways, I love the guy, he's such a great actor. He makes any movie automatically awesome. Even if it was a Nicolas Cage or Brendan Fraser movie, it would instantly make it a good movie somehow. Okay, so seriously, I think Terry Gilliam did an awesome job filling in Heath's character roll. Why he chose Colin Farrell, I do not know.


I love how this whole movie was kind of like a game. I found it a little weird how they saved Tony (Heath Ledger) and when he woke up from his mini coma he suddenly fit in with their little sideshow crew. No questions nothing, just cuts to a scene of him dressing up and all lah-dee-dah. I guess there wasn't much for him to think about considering he had no idea who and where he was. The girl in the movie was pretty cute, had a super tiny face. I think she's related to John Cusack. Ha! She was a good character too. I just didn't fancy the part where her and Tony were all lovey dovey. I was secretly raging with jealousy in my black little sole. Steen didn't even know that I was sitting next to her about to explode into million little angry pieces. I would have probably exploded the popcorn along with me. At least in the scene where they were getting it on it was Colin Farrell doing the deed.

You know what? I think the movie was amazing. All up until Dr. Gandolf was sitting in VANCOUVER...right in front of the giant colosseum looking library. Why did it go downhill from there? Well, since Steen and I live in Vancouver, It just seemed really cheap and familiar. We've been to that library, so we recognized all that stuff. I'm not sure how to explain it. It was just cool how it all took place in England and all far away from reality...for us, and then, oh look! It's where we hung out! It just ruined movie mode for me and got really fake. Sure it's a movie and it's all fake, but when your in a cinematic adventure it feels like your there. You know what? I'm done explaining this, If you don't know what I'm talking about yet then go watch "Not Another Teen Movie" because your the worst.

So anyways. This is a great movie and if you haven't seen it yet, go see it. It's very different and requires quite a bit of thought. The imagination land place is beautiful and pretty cartoony, so you'd enjoy that. Hooray for awesome movies. I sleep now.

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