Monday, January 18, 2010


I loved this movie. It's like a low budget indie film. Those in my opinion are very awesome. The story was great. It was just a real life situation, yet very simple. It had lot's of character development and the dialogue was funny and witty. I loved Juno's personality. I also love Ellen Page. She's one of my favorites. Every roll she plays in, she seems really cool, calm, and collect. It's almost like Michael Cera how he keeps his character personalities somewhat consistent through all the movies he's been in. So it's great that they're both in the movie. The way they interacted with each other was great. They didn't over act, so in a way you were able to relate to their lifestyle and character more because how "real" they were actually being.


The fact that I'm writing "SPOILERS" at the top is a little sad. If you haven't seen this movie yet, it's probably because 1) your a guy and assume this is a chick flick and don't want this movie to interfere with your "manliness" (which makes you even more of a douche) 2) you don't have eyes, in this case, I'm sorry, but your a freaking liar, because your reading this right now, and 3) you assume it's a crap movie because it's about teenage pregnancy, in THIS case, you deserve a creepy little Asian man crotch in your face.

So anyways, I like this story. Sure it's been done, but what movie hasn't. The little things they do in this movie, is just so random and awesome. Example, the scene where Juno gets all that furniture and parks it right on Bleeker's lawn and waits until he comes out. Her interesting way of say "Hey dude, how's it going? I'm pregnant." I love it. Or when she packs his mailbox with a million packs of orange flavored tic tacs. It's little things like that that give this movie it's quality and goodness.

I love Juno and Bleekers relationship. Because it's not exactly boyfriend/girlfriend as one would come to expect, but it's just them as friends. They like each other, but there's a sense of beating around the bush about their feelings for one another. Of course, at the end they get together, but their relationship just seems really sweet. It's not like the happily ever after where they ride off in a carriage being pulled by ten white horses while people throw rice in their eyes. It's more like, here they are singing and playing the guitar together and it's the beginning of their little youthful relationship. Simple and effective...and REAL!

The other character's were great too. Leah, Juno's little friend, was alright, she was a bit over the top for me. Sure in high school we had our skanks, but I didn't know one chick that acted like a horn dog like Leah did AND she had a thing for her crusty old school teacher. Barf! Juno's parents were awesome. They were just a regular family. Nothing too big, again, just simple. Her dad was funny. I liked a him a lot and her step mom was a hoot as well.

This movie never gets old for me, I love watching it. It makes me laugh, and some parts make me sad. I wish there were more movies like "Juno".

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