Monday, April 26, 2010

kick ass.

A lot of people had high hopes for this movie. I didn't. Those people ended up not enjoying the movie so much. I did. It reminded me a lot of Mystery Men, which was awesome. I don't care what any of you say. Mystery Men was the shit. So anyways, I thought this movie was cool. It was pretty fast paced, so I didn't find myself getting bored at all.


There was one part in the movie that stood out to me the most. When Dave gets stabbed and ran over by a car. That was awesome, but I took that as one of those scenes where you think the character is just thinking of the "what if's". I was wrong. It actually happened, and I was shocked. It was such a sad unfortunate moment for the guy, but funny at the same time because it was quick and in your face.

The characters were alright. Dave was a bit of a douche, but I'm just going to assume that's what his character was supposed to be like. His friends were awesome, so chill and no clue what the hell is going on around them. Reminded me of... me on Mondays. HA! Bad joke.

Okay, so apparently I don't pay attention to trailers or anyone who tries to talk to me about movies, because I had no idea that Nicolas Cage was going to be in this movie. That was a surprise. More so because I love making fun of him, so this movie gave me more of an excuse to laugh at him even more. What happened you ask? Well let me tell you. He was set on fire is what happened! It was great. Very intense, because there was a whole fight taking place around him while he was strapped to a chair screaming his head off. Then! At the end, his daughter goes to him and says her goodbyes, and he's just there burnt to a crisp. So awesome.

AND MCLOVIN IS IN IT. He's awesome. Sorry it's not Christopher to me, it's McLovin and yes, he's awesome, so you can just shut your face and go watch Deep Blue Sea. He was awesome. His "super hero" character was pretty cool too. Ive realized his head looks like a peanut. I couldn't stop seeing peanut head when he was wearing his mask. It just made it more obvious how peanut like his head was. Though the end of the movie with him...sitting in his dad's office if he's going to get revenge for his father's death. Just lame.

Oh and don't get me started about the stupid teenagers in this movie. The new relationship somehow turned from being a new relationship, to a married couple. Obviously the pretty girl somehow finds the sensitive geek attractive and they end up dating. Oh and what do you know, her friend suddenly finds his friend attractive. The movie ends with the couples making out, camera pulls out, fade to black, the end.

So all in all, it's not that bad of a movie. Only advice I give you is don't go into this assuming it's going to be amazing, or you'll be disappointed. Should you just catch it on DVD? Maybe. Not like this movie is a must see in theaters. There were lame parts, but I wont judge it as a cliché movie, because it was meant to be a cliché movie. That's probably why a lot of people thought it was so dumb. Anyways, if you have free time, and want to watch a movie, go check it out. It's funny. People like to laugh, unless you're not human, then in that case I'd say you pretty much lost your right to watch movies.

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