Sunday, March 28, 2010

diary of a wimpy kid.

I just got back from watching this movie. It's definitely meant for the teeny boppers. I still found some of the parts funny, and parts you can't help but laugh at because it reminds you of how lame Jr. High was...and how glad you are that it's over. I've never read the books before, but my brother has them so I've seen them around the house. They look pretty cool. I find stick figure doodles very appealing. They have a certain charm to them. They did a good job keeping the book a part of the movie with the whole stick figure drawings and animations.


I'm not sure who out there is into movies that are meant for kids and families, but I'll just add the **SPOILERS** just in case your a teeny bopper.

So, anyways, it's a cute little movie. The characters were actually pretty funny, specially Fregley. He was such a gross little guy, but funny at the same time. A small ginger kid chasing his friend with a booger on his finger, then writing a letter of apology with the booger on it...awesome.

There was a character that I wasn't too fond of. Obviously she wasn't meant to be liked due to how much of an idiot she was. I don't know if any of you remember Jr. High, but there was always that one girl, who had to be part of everything in school, and be better than everyone. Her mom was the head of PTA and she always got her parents involved if she didn't get what she wanted. That was her...and I want to punch her in the face.

There was a little side running gag in this movie that I thought was really cool, and it's definitely how stupid annoying children would handle it too. There was a slice of cheese on the black top at the school that randomly appeared there and nobody threw it away. By the looks of it, it's been there for years. So, whoever touched it, caught the "cheese touch" and they would pretty much be ostracized by the entire student body. The only way to fix it is to touch someone and pass it on. It was so dumb, but funny at the same time because it's totally something that's been done, or has been going on for years and years. Maybe not with a rotting slice of cheese, but something else.

Anyways, this was a good movie. It wasn't amazing, but Id definitely give it a chance. The story was cute, the characters were funny, and unlike a lot of teeny bopper films, they didn't try hard to be funny, it was just natural and amusing. I was able to relate to this movie because it's kind of what Jr. High was like for me, except I didn't try so hard for people to like me. People just didn't like me period. It's okay, it's not like I have to relive that hell hole time of my life again.

So yeah, it's good, it's funny, it's a family flick. So if your into hard core Vin Diesel films like the Fast and the Furious then this probably isn't hard core enough for you, you might need to go watch Xxx or something, for the rest of you normal people Id at least watch it when it starts showing on TV.


  1. I think I kinda wanna see it.. for fun.... Or you know, watch XXX and fling boogers at photos of you. <3

  2. Are you going to write me a letter saying your sorry with your booger on it too? because that would be really gross...but I think I'll laugh. <3
