Oh, John Cusack, how do you keep coming back into my life? We'll come back to him. I'd just like to say, this movie was better than I had expected. At 1st I didn't even want to watch it, then the more I saw the trailers the more interested I got. It was really funny, but predictable. It made me think a little about back to the future, but in this case, they were going back to the 80s, and the only thing awesome about the 80s was the saturday morning and after school cartoons.
Is it me or does John Cusack appear in the most random movies? You have your action movie actors, your chick flick actors, your stonner flick actors, and so on. Cusack doesn't seem to be part of anything, it's as if his agent just jumps on every movie and hopefully he gets a part. I think his character should have been played by Seth Rogan or something. John Cusack? Random as hell. I also do not see him as a stonner, so that was really awkward.
Oh man, one part in this movie, that realllly bugged me was the scene where Nick sings a song by the Black Eyed Peas...in the 80s. That...was...retarded. You know how someone does something completely stupid and you just feel embarrassed and dumbfounded for that person? Well that's how I felt about this scene. I couldn't even watch, it was just dumb. It was dumb. It was sooooo dumb! I can't stress that enough.
I really liked Lou's character. Angry people are just so funny. I knew he was going to stay behind and change the world. I would probably do the same considering what I know now. Although, having to go through all that childhood and teenage crap... I don't know. But they all got what they wanted in the end, and their friendship was stronger than it was before, so that was cool.
So anyways, this was an awesome movie. Id recommend it to everyone, even you people who enjoy watching "Not Another Teen movie". It really makes you think about life and how one little thing can make a difference, or not even. Maybe your life was already planned out for you, so no matter what you do, your always going to end with the same results. So check it out, it'll make you laugh.
Who doesn't like to laugh? If your someone who doesn't enjoy laughing, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Your either a serial killer, or dead. So you'd have to be a serial killer, because if you were dead, I don't think it would be possible or meaningful that your reading a movie review on someone's blog...go do what dead people do best. And.....if your a serial killer then, please go away. Thanks.